04th June 2024

The five key benefits of automating temperature monitoring processes

So why should GP practices and other healthcare environments consider implementing automated temperature monitoring systems for fridges? For many applications where vaccines, medicines and even tissue samples are stored, recording fridge temperatures manually twice a day is still the accepted modus operandi.

Yet manual recording is notoriously inaccurate, subject to human error and is only a snapshot of daily conditions in the fridge. As an example, a fridge may have been out of temperature range temporarily between checks due to malfunction or a door being left open and yet still return a normal temperature reading by the time the manual check is carried out hours later. The potential impact on the fridge contents is an unknown.

Using an automated fridge monitoring system, technology enables us to do things so much better, with total accuracy, reduced staff time requirements and also allows far more reliable record keeping and improved cold chain security.

1. Compliance

1. Compliance

There are strict regulations around the required temperature ranges for the storage of vaccines, medicines and other health-related pharmaceutical products. Compliance with these requirements is essential, and is carefully monitored by governing bodies such as the CQC. Annual inspections require GP practices, pharmacies etc to provide hard evidence of correct cold chain storage procedures.

Good automated fridge monitoring systems take readings from the fridges every few minutes and send these to secure storage in the cloud. It is then straightforward and simple for the nominated responsible person to download these records in an easy-to-read format to demonstrate the performance of their fridges and/or freezers over a defined period of time.

The real benefits? Easy, quick, professional and timely presentation of accurate reports illustrating the efficacy of the cold chain storage processes.

2. Accuracy

2. Accuracy

We all make mistakes, and human error is the key factor behind most failures to accurately record fridge temperatures in line with regulations. Transposing figures, or even failing to record the temperatures regularly or at the right time of day is a fact of life for many applications relying on manual procedures or even dataloggers.

An automated fridge monitoring system works reliably in the background, maintaining optimal accuracy and ensuring that records are up to date each day and every day, even when the premises are unoccupied.

The end result? Totally accurate fridge temperature records, maintained 24/7, easily accessed and readily available.

3. Time saving

3. Time saving

The GP practice environment is always busy and time is a valuable commodity. Making the best use of skilled staff is a management essential, and routine tasks like recording fridge temperatures - although an important and responsible role – is almost always better performed as an automated process.

Automating fridge monitoring will free up highly trained healthcare professionals for other, more patient-focused duties.

4. Avoiding stock losses

4. Avoiding stock losses

Pharmaceutical products are costly, and other items such as tissue and blood samples may even be irreplaceable. As well as costing money, a fridge breakdown can interrupt the supply of vaccines for clinics and other applications, with ongoing administrative implications such as large-scale cancellations.

Today’s advanced automated fridge monitoring systems have the capability to alert in the event of identified temperature fluctuations, enabling responsible individuals to take action such as moving stock to other fridges to safeguard supplies.

These alerts are particularly valuable for premises left unoccupied for periods of time.

The benefits? Savings in terms of both money and time.

5. Total peace of mind

5. Total peace of mind

Technology has an important role to play in ensuring your cold chain processes are both optimised and simplified. Choosing the right fridge monitoring system will achieve the combined benefits of saving time, saving money, ensuring your processes are accurate and compliant and giving you total peace of mind.

And what’s more …

Many automated fridge monitoring systems have the capability to monitor temperatures for medicines in transit, providing a comprehensive solution. In addition, they can be calibrated for use in areas where medicines can be stored at ambient temperatures with upper limits; now we are experiencing higher summer temperatures in the UK, this is expected to be a growing consideration into the future.

The solution

RemoteM provides an effective and affordable temperature monitoring solution for GP practices, utilising robust technology combined with important additional considerations like no reliance on the local Wi-Fi system and no requirement to link into NHS IT provisions. Why not take advantage of a no obligation free trial to see how RemoteM could work for you?