Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust trusts RemoteM for temperature monitoring
Leeds Community Healthcare Trust has chosen RemoteM to provide automated fridge monitoring across multiple sites operated by the Trust.
LCHT provides a range of community healthcare services for the people of Leeds, including home-based care, health visiting and school nursing. Operating across a number of different sites and services, maintaining close control of medicines and vaccines stored in fridges across the area presented a very specific challenge.
"Installing RemoteM automated fridge monitoring systems across a number of our operational sites holding either large volumes of vaccines, refrigerated medicines or high value stock has saved time for our staff, speeded up our processes and significantly reduced the potential for human error," stated Katy Houseman, Pharmacy Services Manager for LCHT. "In the event of a temperature excursion or fridge breakdown, I know immediately and can make informed judgements on whether stock is suitable for use, saving a significant amount of time and money for our services."

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